
This page is a collection of all my ideas and observations on this blog that I decided to bring into the photorealistic/model making/photographic world. Click the images to visit the original post with more images, descriptions and comments.

Welcome mat carpet
I wanted to make my room more welcoming so I thought up this idea. You can even wipe your feet wherever you want. Oh and there is a patch of floor where the door mat should be.

Doorbell with inbuilt visitor statistics display

Website stats are an obsession for some people. How many visitors? What age are they? How long do they spend on the site? The list goes on. Here is my idea to take this statistical obsession one step further. A doorbell with built in home visitor statistics display


Genetically modified egg (cup)

Super deluxe British train accessories found

Luxury Sunglasses holder I saw on a British train.

Personal subtitles
Personal subtitle translator

knuckledogI had a bath and made a knuckle duster, a baby polar bear and a puppy.

two way toothpaste
Two way toothpaste to avoid the squeezing at wrong end arguments.

Accessory to transform the whizzbang iPad into a bookend.

I couldn’t decide who to support in the world cup final between Holland and Spain.

The very first post on this website. I was in Berlin and was appreciating the little things.

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