Lift and drop inventions

Hello old friends and new people. I’ve got a bit of news, I’ve completely redesigned my main project website, it’s got big images, videos and more content, check it out, spread the word.

A long time ago I read the whole dictionary onto tapes (yes that long ago). I actually read two dictionaries, a mini dictionary and then a larger Collins one. The idea started out as part of a ‘Dominic Wilcox impersonation Kit’. A black leather case with brass engraved front held inside a copy of my clothes and shoes, a Wilcox handwriting copying kit and some tapes which started with me saying ‘Listen and repeat, aardvark…’ so you could copy my accent. I later separated out the dictionary reading to a single piece of work. Here is a sample
Pictures on my website here.

I’m going to start putting some more of my invention drawing up on this blog again. I printed 1000 copies of the first edition of my book Variations on Normal but they sold out. The book will be republished in future, can’t say more than that now but it’s quite exciting. (Email to be notified on the next edition)

I think I worked out how to lift heavy weights using this pulley system. The added weight at the back helps make lifting at the front easy.

lift helper

I once was at a photo shoot and the photographer answered his phone and I thought I’d help by holding his camera. Unfortunately the lens wasn’t attached properly and I just saw it fall to the ground in slow motion. Being a cool dude he continued his conversation as though nothing happened. It was costly though.

wrist net

Come back soon for more sketched ideas soon.

oh and I’ll be talking at this interesting event in Brighton,