Fingerprint activated, no waiting, pedestrian crossing

I read an article recently on the BBC about whether or not pressing the pedestrian crossing button actually does anything. It turns out that quite a few do nothing at all to effect the time it takes for the green man to show. Sometimes the wait can be up to two minutes, think of all the things we could have done in all those minutes spent waiting to cross.

With the arrival of the iPhone 5s and it’s fingerprint reader button on my mind, I waited to cross the road a few weeks ago. A thought occurred to me as I pressed the pedestrian crossing button. What if I could pay money to speed up or remove the waiting time altogether? In fact if the button was also a fingerprint reader then it could be linked to an online account that is set up as Pay-as-you-press. Each press instantly (or as quickly as is safe) changes the red man to green and £0.40 is deducted from my account. For £0.70 you can also choose your own tune to cross the road to.

I went out on to the streets of London to test the system, listen here to find out how it went…

Fingerprint activated instant pedestrian crossing

The Quick Cross fingerprint reader pedestrian crossing button.

fingerprint pedestrian crossing

Here I designed an app for signing up to the Quick Cross system.
Quick cross road pedestrian crossing

BBC article about pedestrian crossing.

UPDATE: the BBC picked up on this post, at the bottom of this page…