Day 26: Bread vases

Continuing my investigation into bread I created some bread vases. I used tin foil as a base on which to wrap the bread dough. I decided to overlap the dough and keep the seam which seemed a natural method of joining the rolled dough. I always think it is best to let a material go where it wants and take a natural form under guidance. I started sealing the vases with resin and varnish and i will report back in the future.

Bread Vase Dominic Wilcox

Bread Vases Dominic Wilcox

I enjoy waiting to see how the heat and the baking process affects the dough. I’m learning what is possible and how to solve issues as I go along. The imperfections, curves and leans in the vases are something I am excited about.

Bread Vase Dominic Wilcox

The stage of creating the foil base is essential to the final form.

Bread Vase Dominic Wilcox

This is part of a 30 day Speed Creating project I am doing. Outcomes were exhibited at the Anti – Design Festival between 18th-21st September, Mestakes and manifestos, Londonewcastle gallery, 28 Redchurch St, London. You can follow my progress on Twitter and Facebook, Click here to view all the days so far in a row.

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Day 5: Bread of light

I wondered what would happen if I put a light bulb in bread dough, baked it then switched it on….

I used a low energy bulb as I thought maybe it wouldn’t get too hot and burn the bread when switched on. (don’t try this at home)

I liked the volcanic red colour/texture. Next step is to go bigger. This one is to be continued…

This is part of a 30 day Speed Creating project I am doing. Final outcomes will be exhibited at the Anti – Design Festival 18th-26th September, 28 Redchurch St, London. You can follow my progress on Twitter and Facebook, Click here to view all the days so far in a row.

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